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Why choose us?

We understand the needs of customers, therefore our module will meet the needs of both the store owner and the end customer.
See for yourself how our module works, visit the test implementation page by clicking HERE
Increase in sales

Thanks to the new module, your store will become more attractive to the customer, and the module itself will support sales through intelligent recommendations.

Simple billing model

The monthly cost of using the module is PLN 2,000 net + 0.2% commission on sales made using the module.

AI and ML algorithms

Our proprietary AI and ML algorithms will analyze the face photo, recognize the type of skin and its color. Then they will match the appropriate cosmetics available in the store.

UX - emotions matter

We want every customer using the module to feel as special as when visiting a specialist (e.g. a beautician). Our module has been designed with UX and UI in mind so that each step is a positive experience.

Speed ​​of performance
 Thanks to scalable cloud servers, our solution is fast and does not require waiting for the results of the analysis, and thus does not make customers impatient!
We care about safety

Our solution meets all the requirements of the GDPR - we care about the privacy of our clients.

Start your new chapter in business today. Contact us.

Usługi dodatkowe:

  • OUTSOURCING obsługi kont typu Merchant i SmA Allegro – wystawianie, aktualizowanie i kontrola aukcji (dbanie o ceny, stock, warianty i zestawy produktowe),
  • PRACE PROGRAMISTYCZNE – na zlecenie, tworzenie oprogramowania dla e-commerce, magazynów i handlu (w tym budowa interfejsów i połączeń z programami typu WMS czy ERP),
  • PRACE MARKETINGOWE i GRAFICZNE – tworzenie materiałów marketingowych i graficznych dla e-commerce.